Now more than ever we need to ensure that we communicate effectively with all our potential new clients and communication techniques can vary depending on the type of client that you are proposing too.
Here are a few tips to ensure you effectively communicate to your corporate client:
- Consultative Selling – The need to listen to the client and establish their needs and wants. It is especially important now to adapt the approach of consultative selling. General contact and keeping in touch with your corporate clients are paramount to ensure they feel safe and secure and more importantly remember you!
- Questioning and listening is very important. What challenges are they facing? What is their current situation? How are they feeling?
If they do have an enquiry – tailoring what you offer to each client, adapting packages, products and services, personalising proposals, being flexible and understanding. Proposal’s should clear and concise, jargon should not be used.
- Be the Expert – They are looking at you as the expert to provide the solutions. You will need to be well versed in your hotel / venues Covid -19 policy. You should be able to offer solutions if they are looking at hybrid or virtual events. Your expertise should also be holistic in the event management phase, not just selling your venue but advising on the best suppliers to use along with timings to make the event flow perfectly.
Do you want to know how to be the expert during a showround too? Check out this blog post!
- Time Challenged – Corporate clients will be more conscious about the time they have to find their ideal meeting space / event. They may be new to the task as some companies have reduced staffing levels and they may not be familiar with world of event bookings. Take the time to get to know your new client and guide them so they feel at ease and comfortable doing business with you.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for decisions / time frames – 2021 event diaries will be filled with 2020 events that have been postponed or re-scheduled. It’s essential you ensure you give your corporate client the required time for a decision, obviously explaining the need for a quick decision.
For enquiries, agree time frames together. There is nothing worse than being pushed for a decision especially if the client has already told you that they can’t make one for a while. However, if needed, for another client make sure it is clear that a decision might need to be requested (clear communication from the outset). Also find out who is the decision maker as it may not always be the person making the enquiry
- STAND OUT AND BE COUNTED – To ensure you stand out from your competitors, consider hosting a virtual meeting this will help build rapport, screen share your 3D tours of your hotel / venue.
Invite them to attend a Zoom ‘get to know you’ call. No hard sales, just the opportunity to build relationships and get to know each other.
For those clients who have an enquiry, the best thing is to invite them to visit, showcase your venue, hereis a useful blog to help you prepare for show rounds.
Go that extra mile, if they can’t stay for lunch, have a bento box or lunch on the go to take away in a nice, branded bag. Consider providing them with a nice, new material mask in a packet to use.
What do you do to make sure you stand out and be counted?
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